My Next Adventure

25 02 2009

I just wanted to drop a note to let you know that I will not be posting the next couple of weeks because we will be traveling again.  Where to you ask?  Perhaps this cute little creature will give you a clue.

I will try to send some postcards, but it will depend on our access to the internet.  Stay tuned for exciting new posts to come!

Where am I?

27 10 2008

I have been quiet on the blogging front because I am currently traveling.  So for this post, I pose a challenge to my readers.  Where am I?

Here is clue #1, which may help you know what part of the world I am in:

Here is clue #2, for my business friends:

Here is clue #3, which gives it all away:

P, you are not allowed to guess since you were there with me!

I will be traveling for a little longer, but look for future posts about my time in this city!